Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wrench and Crank

For those of you that didn't make it to the Santa Cruz Poetry Festival and/or didn't purchase Sparkle&Blink (here's a link with more info: http://quietlightning.org/sparkle-blink/) this is the poem that I read below. Please support Quiet Lighting. A hard working group of people putting together a great contemporary review and reading series. I had a blast reading, and it was my first time in Santa Cruz, CA. Boardwalk, Arcade Casino, the Coconut Grove, and tacos, great evening!

Wrench and Crank


I’ll be the first to fill
Blood w/ Nanos
Little beasts of burden
Regulating heart & iris
Wagers of medicators
Checking email updates
To watch my progress.

Night after day uploading
Bit after bit of their data
My marrow rejuvenated


Generations past
Lost their best to Madness
While ours go
To RPG’s
and IED’s

Without distinct
psychosis Or
the antipode
Watch the waste
of scroll tickers
Let fledging
Allow bubble
after bubble
to burst W/ the care
of a four year old
blowing soapy water
in their parents backyard.


If my
so called Naughties
Hanker at expense
Let them crave demeanor
Let them float on #’s
Let them cave in to arms
Let them ease in to
Asses, pussies, and full

If I
live till madness
outlive detonations
how can I check in to anything
With no
moment to drown,
Lock in trucks, and smile

If you
get lost on vino
The sulfates attacking cells
Bombarding your minds shores

How can I if I’m not the best
To be remembered by?


Till my wake
My rigor mortis state
Let me crave mess
Let me evolve to machine
Let me catch on
Let me sigh B4 the round
Becomes smoke from a barrel

If my gen finds recourse
They’ll give that madness an eco-centric
Yelling, in to a conex sized
Abode of a panic room ceased
At all sides

If my madness stocks shelves,
Sorts letters, drives drunk,
Meters assortments of anything,
Stitches up collagen scares,
Pees in parks, alleys, backyards,
And puddles where I rest

If my madness persuades, digs,
Scrapes, tapers, fucks freaks,
Cuts lines in skin, straps on
And sucks out, consoles needy
Nymph’s w/o happy places,
Hides yrs of photos in shoe
Boxes w/ undeveloped film
With blood caked in nails, hairs, streaks
Out my nose, eyes, mouth

If my madness can caress the skin
Of anyone
Let them kettle energy

Let them arch their waists
Let them explode, on city buses,
Park benches, stairwells, vacant lots,
Roof tops, leaning against chain links,
Inside bathroom stales, basements,
Storage rooms, vehicle annexes,
Under sheets, starlights, skylights,
Into the watchful eyes of towel yielding
On lookers

If my madness becomes to much
I await my wake.